John O'Connor

Proactive Approach that Drives High Engagement

Our proactive mental health solutions drive high engagement through daily access to tools and personalized support in critical times of need.

Journey Proactive EAP

Provide preventative support and engage every employee every day with a proactive EAP. Journey drives high employee engagement, provides concierge-level care, and reduces costs by keeping mental health top-of-mind.
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Journey LIVE

If your client is not ready to switch EAPs, Journey LIVE is the perfect complement. Our suite of inclusive, on-demand digital mental health and wellness tools drives high engagement by meeting employees where they are, resulting in more productive, resilient teams.
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Digital Toolkit for Consultants

Compare Journey to other EAPs and discover the benefits of partnering with us. Gain insights into how we can collaborate to support you and your clients.


Why Journey?

Increased Engagement

Organizations who partner with Journey see an engagement rate that’s 10x more than the average EAP.

Concierge-Level Support

Journey provides elevated, concierge-level well-being support to employees, HR team members, and consultants.

Global Offering

Our global offering is rooted in diversity and inclusion, providing services in over 190 countries and in 27+ languages.

Case Studies & Playbooks

Learn more about how Journey’s proactive approach can help transform employee mental health and well-being for your clients.

Find out how to improve engagement at your organization

Less stress More resilient teams Happier, healthier employees
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