Is Meditation the Key to A Resilient Workforce?

Written by Journey

Do you ever feel like part of you is always thinking about work? If you’re feeling this way, there’s a good chance your team is too. That’s why it’s important to develop the proper skills so you and your team can manage stress in a healthy way.

Lead The Way

Teaching your team resilience can go a long way when it comes to managing stress on a team and individual level. The development of these four skills can help a person learn to be more resilient in the face of adversity:

  • Optimism: Find the silver lining solution in unfavorable situations or difficult times

  • Composure: The ability to stay balanced and manage strong or difficult emotions

  • Safety: Provide a sense of security and “non-judgement” atmosphere

  • Support: Give your team support outlets (personally or refer to professionals)

Once you and your team develop these skills and become more resilient, it will become even easier over time to keep “getting back on the horse.”

The Value Of Failure

Don’t be afraid to let your team fail and find things out for themselves. A healthy amount of failure when the consequences are not life-threatening will help build resilience. As Winston Churchill puts it, “Success is not final; Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.”

There’s no greater service you can do for a person than to teach them the skills that will help them remain resilient through the highs and lows of life. Remember, the important lesson here isn’t to create an environment where your team won’t face adversity. The point is to teach your team the proper skills to be resilient and rise to the occasion.

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